

It’s Time to Start Your Business With Social Entry


1. Registration of social entity

Most important is the legal structure for an NGO as there are many social laws for registration e.g. The Societies Act (1860), Companies Ordinance (1984), the Trust Act (1882), the Charitable Endowments Act (1890), the Co-operative Act (1925) and the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance (1961). It is very important for an NGO to get the right legal status as per its visions and missions.

2. Establishment of a new social entity
A new entity is needed right procedures’ adaptation including all relevant and standard documents, acceptable for funding and donation for any donor. This system will be applicable in management, establishment, finance, HRM and all related operations

3. Conversion of a business entity into social body
Conversion of some institute in social setup e.g. hospital, school, consultancy firms, services providing companies and gender issues working bodies with same standards which are required for a social entity as per donor/partner/investor bodies.

4. Systems improvement in active social bodies
Existing NGOs need these services actually to adopt right directions not only in legal status but also in services if they are working well but they need to develop systems as per the standards. They can get same services which are mentioned in Para a.

5. Survival of NGO before funding
This is a most important element for an NGO that how to survive before funding from some donor source. I can cover it by some projects which can afford all reasonable budgets of the foundation and make it sustain. These models are the property of GAIN. These models are preapproved and prequalified for funding and GAIN can apply these models with standard modalities on share bases.
It has these benefits
a. It can ease the management as they are in comfort that they have no load of expenses from their own sources and foundation can expense from its sources.
b. Donor Organization always like foundation who can run its operations in a sustainable way
c. Foundation gets time and can tolerate if donor organization can late for funding.

6. Team building and associates
After the coverage of these basic elements, first the establishment of the entity and its sustainable position without proper funding, the most important element is its team which comprise technical persons of that particular subjects, promoters of the foundation, renowned personalities of the society and persons have well wishes for the organization and goodwill holding personalities from the communities. This team building is the third pillar for the establishment of a good institute which we will cover for you with a complete professional way.

7. Development of concepts, proposals, case studies etc.
The next step is the development of concepts and its modality for implementation as per the missions and visions of the foundation but it should have these features to gain some good response from donor organizations;
a. The concepts and working of the foundation should match with the aims of the donor organizations
b. Systems and operational structures should also be as per the expectations of the donor organizations
c. Concepts and models should present in some formal and standard proposals. In average claimed by their own formats and it should have some innovation and new directions which shows that we have these finding as per our research based data and we are different from others on these grounds? So, give us a chance to show our working on better groundings.

8. Third party evaluation of running, Test or pilot projects
The main work before invitation and sending proposal to donors is test or pilot project execution. In this way, we show an active system and we request donor organizations to visit us and see what we write and its implementation in practical way.
This activity has these features;
a. It is at limited level and our request to donor could be its extension in same area or in some other areas
b. Our requirements in running system e.g. machines, expenses etc. to work with more efficiency
To show a sustained and developed system and funding for some other subject can run under the same setup.

9. Internal monitoring and evaluation of running project
The most sensitive work is the operations and standards of the system before the application to partner organizations as they will visit, check, audit and test as per their own systems and parameters and if they found it is not as per our mentioned setup which we have forward them in documents, they can simply refuse for partnership. So, my basic responsibility is to monitor the system as per the standards of the donor and partner organizations and we should observe the systems from the eyes of the donors.

10. Submission of proposals and fallow ups (Marketing)
Now, we have these tools for marketing or invitation for partnership;
a. Standard format for different proposals for different organizations as per their own agendas and requirements.
b. We should have complete literature and active system for presentation and partnership
c. Now, we submit our documents to the relevant donor organizations in government, private and international agencies for partnership.
d. They invite us or they will visit us.
e. They can ask for every type of information and we should always be ready as we have shown an open and transparent system.

Marketing directions of GAIN
a. International donor/partner organizations
b. Government led organization
c. Government/local government and government institutes
d. Local donor partners
e. International organizations not present and offices in Pakistan
f. Organizations operated by Muslims and Pakistani in abroad
g. Direct oversees Pakistanis
h. Participation in business projects directly
i. Partnerships with business entities
j. Partnership with investors and ventures

Note: If they found us as per their standards, they accept our partnership and agreements comes in process with foundation.

Services for political/social image building

Definition of politics
It is the art or science of influencing people on a civic or individual level when more than two people are involved.
The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.

Features for better political/social image
a. Must have a political team for interaction with community and related stakeholders for their issues and interests with us
b. Must have a monitoring and observatory team
c. Have a scientific calculation system on bases of data collection from the public. This wing must create reports on facts bases and help to develop action plans to make the image more concreted and powerful in communities and general public
d. Information of competitors/opposition and their strategies/movements
e. Creation of local area leadership at village/Muhala level to interact and watch the interests and play a character of facilitator on behalf of the leadership
f. Right planning and operational movements with step to step activities and measurement of results
g. Threats and mitigation

Services for political/social figure development
Political movement in other words is the development of “Social Figure”. In regular activities, we watch our interests and calculate the results in shape of financial outputs. As a social figure, it needs not only to watch financial outputs but also the interests of maximum persons of that particular community/s.

Main offers
a. Opportunities’ measurement to become as a political/social figure
b. Planning to become or change the image as a political/social figure
c. Team building and system delivery for the subject
d. System development e.g. Manifesto, meetings, record keeping, registration of social/political entity etc.
e. Any other or whatsoever it is related or demanded

Services for existing political/social figures and political parties
a. The current results by politics, shows the importance to research and survey for right planning and operations for any of political/social movement. We offer complete services of data collection, facts finding, report on statistical analysis and analytical reports for social/political figures and parties
b. Existing person or political party must need to understand the movements and activities as opposition and threats from differ t sides and it can be possible if we have a close and continue interaction with communities and mass
c. As a monitoring team to see the performance of social workers, the level of satisfaction of the people, different movements in the society and their impacts. Corruption and wrongness in working. Implementation of different plans and opinions of the public. This monitoring can be an open movement as well as a secret or as per the requirements from the entity or person
d. Roadmap designing and action plan on realistic and scientific grounds for long-term penetration in politics
e. Any other or whatsoever it is related or demanded

Solutions for Industrial Units and Corporate Bodies
An Investment solution
An industrialist and businessman in Pakistan is familiar to use financial solution by bank/leasing, investment from partners, advances from local and international parties but he is ignoring the most important source of investment which is called as social investment. This investment has a volume of Billions every year from government, local donor agencies and international donor/partner agencies.

Subjects for this investment
The most important subjects to address are poverty reduction, employment, under employment especially gender employment, value addition, research and development for new products. Use of new technological inputs. Some new alternative financial hubs to meet the financial and investment needs especially in peak season and completion in local and international market.

Hindrance for the subject
Business class, industrialists even our corporate sector is using very old method of financial management by using personal investments, finance by banks and leasing companies, partnerships and advances from stakeholders.
They need to redesign the cash flows of systems and understanding and reshape of management systems to utilize social investment in their systems

Solution or models can be involved in these activities
Industry especially corporate industrial entities are the most important element of our society for income enhancement, valued addition and employment. It is apparent that an engaged corporate businessman can develop and run some model on sustainable terms more successfully than any other as he already have experience for these activities and he is use to for profit and sustainable operations of his systems.

What subjects a businessman can lounge and attract some investment for his models
There are as many projects as the market itself e.g.
a. If he is engaged in some industrial units and he need the raw material related from agriculture, livestock or mining etc. He can offer the services of research and development, value addition by better seeds, fertilizers and pesticides and technologies. He can introduce skills and education centers for capacity of human sources for better performance. For all of these activities, he can use investment form donor/partner organizations of government, universities, research institutions, and local and international fund/donation providing agencies.
b. He can develop and design services for labor and low middleclass communities of directly or indirectly related to him in his area e.g. medical collage, hospital, maternity homes, schools especially chain/franchise school system in overall of the country etc.
c. He can offer housing schemes on very successful model of working with immense profits
d. He can develop a complete Microfinance Bank chartered from State bank of Pakistan by the microfinance Bank Ordinance of 2001. Within banking system, he can run and operate complete systems as a bank by collecting saving and loan disbursement. In this way, the maximum distribution of income in that particular area will comes again to him for his use of projects as project finance and over drafting etc. The district level of registration need just 30 Million and a branch can collect average 500 million as a target.
e. Value addition by crushing, packing plants for local market and expert of products with required standards. For all of these activities donor/partner organization provides funds for establishment of these types of social business entities
f. Donor/partner agencies are ready for funding for all of these projects with some terms of right model and execution plan and action
g. These funding has many directions e.g. matching grants, donations, subsidize credit lines of 06% to 08% for five to 25 years duration. Joint venture with government, multinational companies, local donor agencies and international donor/partner entities

Some other non-related but important projects
a. Development and betterment of local community/s in shape of education, health, food security and medical facilities. This is social responsibility, religious liability and social duty.
b. After the successful application of our projects, we can get Tax Exemption certificate by which, an industrialist can use a handsome amount of his tax on social activities and get waver from tax on behalf of these activities

Existing Practices
All multinational companies are using these practices to use at maximum level of these investments. Many of local industrial entities are in for the use of this mechanism and more than 20% local bodies are directly in for this setup for the purpose of extension of their access to this direction of investment.

Offered services
We offer you all of the services already mentioned in profile as our offered services. For some brief introduction, we explain again these services for your information
a. Complete filed and organization analysis for finding of exposure for establishment of these types of projects to access social investment
b. Project buildings as per the requirement form these entities have offer for donation/investment/partnership
c. Operations and complete system designing for project execution
d. Monitoring and evaluation for proper application of the project/s
e. Marketing services for funding/investment from interested agencies
f. Play a character of R & D Organization for extension and replication in other areas to sell our expert working and services
g. The detail of services is explained in profile for your view.
h. We can design and develop any new project as per your demand in any geographic area and area of interest in working operations and project
i. We are convinced to make better or as per your demand or the demands/request from donor/partner entities of any active project of you

Solution for Doctors, educationalists, designers, artists etc.
All services related business is directly under the subject of social investment. This is a list of many professions e.g. lawyers, journalist’s, architects, artist, designers, doctors, financial services providers, investors, researchers, scientists, social workers, property dealers and traders etc. Services business is the mainstream for any economy. The stability of any economy has main indicator is the volume of services business. The US economy has more than 60% volume of services business.

Opportunities for services sector to approach social investment
The major portion of social investment is already consumed in services business. This social investment is offered without any collateral and it has a volume of Billions of Dollars. This investment is offered by system based strengths and qualification. It has no relation with financial strength of the entrepreneur but the capacity and efficiency of the entrepreneur. Even government is reframing its programs in shape of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) which has its focus on education, skills development, health, art and culture, housing, research and financial services in shape of small loans with the modality of microfinance.

Main programs and offers for services business holding entrepreneurs
a. Can develop education and skills development centers even chain/franchise network with the units in overall the country.
b. Can offer low cost housing schemes for lower middle class and middleclass
c. Can establish medical collages, nursing collages, maternity homes, hospitals, dispensaries and remote medical services.
d. For art and culture, it is a very vast subject with directions of theatres, music, films and cultural activities etc. This subject can cover skills development for technicians, loans, donation, and budgets for films, theatres, music and cultural activities.
e. Craft and designing has the features for capacity building budgets, skills development, matching grants, donation and related technological services and funds for research and development.
f. So, as many the subjects as the options for matching grants, support in shape of moveable and immoveable assets, loans, fund/credit lines etc.

Offered financial and supportive services from donors/partners/government entities
a. Donation
b. Support in case of capacity building (It include furniture, computers, salaries of the staff, vehicles and all related accessories to run some setup). This offer comes for a set period of time which can be one to twenty five years.
c. Some offers come with cost base sharing. These are called as subsidize projects too. Another term for the project is Public Private Partnership (PPP). Under this process, the most attractive fields are medical, education, housing, art, craft and culture and agriculture and livestock. This program normally comprises capacity building too.
d. Another is matching grand. In this subject, the partner/donor agency gives condition that for some activity or purchase of some asset, a set amount which can be 25% to 50% payable by foundation and remaining will be the share of the donor/partner organization.
e. Credit line. It is credit line without any collateral guarantee and normally in the case of credit line, donor agency use its status as partner. This offer comes for five to twenty five areas with a limit of service charges from 06% to 08% per annum.

Offered services
We have offered all services from registration of social entity to development of some viable project as per the demand from donor/partner/investment agencies, marketing for funds/partnership, monitoring services, documentation in all aspects which are required form these partner/donor/government agencies and all related services.
We offer you to give your idea or present your active system for a complete action plan to make it in some presentable form or changes in active system to fulfill the requirements from donor/partner organizations.

Solutions for Agriculture and Livestock
An Investment solution
An agriculturalist in Pakistan is familiar to use financial solution by bank/leasing, investment from partners, advances from local and international parties but he is ignoring the most important source of investment which is called as social investment. This investment has a volume of Billions every year from government, local donor agencies and international donor/partner agencies.

Subjects for this investment
The most important subjects in agriculture are poverty reduction, employment, under employment especially gender employment, value addition, research and development for new products, seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, and methods of harvesting and technological inputs. It has very clear direction to make our agricultural and livestock products as per the international standards to increase the export share of agriculture and livestock sector.

Hindrance for the subject
The owner of agricultural lands is not directly involved for working and decisions
Traditional methods of harvesting and reluctant for new products/value added products
No trend for direct export to international market but by some middleman
No value addition and able to attract international investment for joint venture or agriculture based projects
No proper use of alternative energy by bio, wind and solar etc.

Solution or models can be involved in these activities
Agriculture especially corporate agriculture entities are the most important element of our society for income enhancement, valued addition and employment. It is apparent that an engaged corporate farmer can develop and run some model on sustainable terms more successfully than any other as he already have experience for these activities and he is use to for profit and sustainable operations of his systems.

What subjects a businessman can lounge and attract some investment for his models
There are as many projects as the market itself e.g.
h. If he is engaged in some industrial units and he need the raw material related from agriculture, livestock or mining etc. He can offer the services of research and development, value addition by better seeds, fertilizers and pesticides and technologies. He can introduce skills and education centers for capacity of human sources for better performance. For all of these activities, he can use investment form donor/partner organizations of government, universities, research institutions, and local and international fund/donation providing agencies.
i. He can develop and design services for labor and low middleclass communities of directly or indirectly related to him in his area e.g. medical collage, hospital, maternity homes, schools especially chain/franchise school system in overall of the country etc.
j. He can offer housing schemes on very successful model of working with immense profits
k. He can develop a complete Microfinance Bank chartered from State bank of Pakistan by the microfinance Bank Ordinance of 2001. Within banking system, he can run and operate complete systems as a bank by collecting saving and loan disbursement. In this way, the maximum distribution of income in that particular area will comes again to him for his use of projects as project finance and over drafting etc. The district level of registration need just 30 Million and a branch can collect average 500 million as a target.
l. Value addition by crushing, packing plants for local market and expert of products with required standards. For all of these activities donor/partner organization provides funds for establishment of these types of social business entities
m. Donor/partner agencies are ready for funding for all of these projects with some terms of right model and execution plan and action
n. These funding has many directions e.g. matching grants, donations, subsidize credit lines of 06% to 08% for five to 25 years duration. Joint venture with government, multinational companies, local donor agencies and international donor/partner entities

Some other non-related but important projects
c. Development and betterment of local community/s in shape of education, health, food security and medical facilities. This is social responsibility, religious liability and social duty.
d. After the successful application of our projects, we can get Tax Exemption certificate by which, an industrialist can use a handsome amount of his tax on social activities and get waver from tax on behalf of these activities

Existing Practices
All multinational companies are using these practices to use at maximum level of these investments. Many of local industrial entities are in for the use of this mechanism and more than 20% local bodies are directly in for this setup for the purpose of extension of their access to this direction of investment.

Offered services
We offer you all of the services already mentioned in profile as our offered services. For some brief introduction, we explain again these services for your information
j. Complete filed and organization analysis for finding of exposure for establishment of these types of projects to access social investment
k. Project buildings as per the requirement form these entities have offer for donation/investment/partnership
l. Operations and complete system designing for project execution
m. Monitoring and evaluation for proper application of the project/s
n. Marketing services for funding/investment from interested agencies
o. Play a character of R & D Organization for extension and replication in other areas to sell our expert working and services
p. The detail of services is explained in profile for your view.
q. We can design and develop any new project as per your demand in any geographic area and area of interest in working operations and project
r. We are convinced to make better or as per your demand or the demands/request from donor/partner entities of any active project of you